Standard A/C Room

Tariff Details

Occupancy : Maximum adults (or) 2 adults + 2 children(Below 9 years old)

Single Occupancy = Rs.1800 + 12% GST per Day

Tariff Details

Occupancy : Maximum adults (or) 2 adults + 2 children(Below 9 years old)

Single Occupancy = Rs.1800 + 12% GST per Day

Room Amenities & Facilities

  • Comfort double bed with duvet
  • LCD TV with satellite TV channels
  • Black-out curtain
  • Climate control
  • Multipurpose adapters
  • Complimentary mineral water
  • Newspaper
  • Private balcony facing mountain view
  • Running hot and cold (RO) water supply
  • Occupancy : Maximum 4 adults
  • Comfort double bed with duvet
  • LCD TV with satellite TV channels
  • Black-out curtain
  • Climate control
  • Multipurpose adapters
  • Complimentary mineral water
  • Newspaper
  • Private balcony facing mountain view
  • Running hot and cold (RO) water supply
  • Occupancy : Maximum 4 adults
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